This post is written for those who are not in your immediate situation, for those trying to lend a helping hand, but truly don’t know completely what you are going through. What to say?? It’s a question with which we’ve all struggled. I want to be a help; I want to encourage my friend orContinue reading “What to Say to Those Who Are Caring for Someone Terminally Ill”
Category Archives: Encouragement
Tip to Boost Your Spirits
It’s a beautiful spring day! Give this a try – to help “boost your spirits,” just try stepping outside. Some fresh air. Some sunshine. Perhaps even taking a short walk. Breathe deeply, absorbing the fresh air. Reflect. Observe. Outside is beautiful and will encourage your heart!
How to Help Someone Who Lost a Spouse
Loosing a spouse – a longtime companion – can be a huge hurdle. How can you comfort or be an encouragement for those who lost someone they loved so deeply? I like the perspective in this article from Red River Valley Hospice: Read article In particular, this quote stuck out to me (concerning the oneContinue reading “How to Help Someone Who Lost a Spouse”
Caring for the Caregiver
We’ve all been there – wearying ourselves to the bone, up late hours at night, burnt out . . . You name it – typically if you’re on this site, you are a person concerned about the one for whom you care. You want the best for them, and . . . You will overdoContinue reading “Caring for the Caregiver”