A Correct Relationship View of One’s Doctor

medical stethoscope with red paper heart on white surface

As one gets older, one of the joys is seeing medical professionals more frequently. (said tongue-in-cheek) 🙂

I just read a fantastic article about one’s perspective on a doctor’s care.

I think all of us could benefit from the advice offered:

“You’re dependent on your doctor to tell you why you feel the way you do and what your symptoms mean. It’s only through his knowledge, his instruments, and his tests that you can find out what’s going on inside. His ability to learn what’s going on in your body – to learn things you have no way of knowing yourself – makes you feel as dependent on him as a child. After all, he’s your only hope of ever getting better – you feel your life is no longer in your hands, but in his.”

In essence, there is a balance in one’s relationship with a doctor. One ought not expect too much, nor yet be too intimidated by a physician.

“What Do You Want from Your Doctor” by Mark Flapan, Ph.D. (in Lupus Lifeline Sept. 2004 p.13)