

This site is designed to make your life easier.

Caring for Mom. Info

Whether you are a senior citizen or a caregiver, you’ll find helpful tips abounding throughout this site.

I am a caregiver – both professionally as well as in my own home. I’ve been there; I understand some of the needs you are facing. I want this site to be a place where you find help.

To view helpful articles, continue reading below.

Or you can also navigate based on specific topics:

Image credits: Pixabay.com

In addition, needs have been grouped by level of care.

Read about me.

Brain Health and Muscle Health

We all know how important exercise is to our overall health; however, there is information concerning how increased muscle health promotes brain health.

woman stretching on ground
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

Read the article here Link

Link: https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/08/22/1057660/strong-muscles-healthy-brain/?utm_source=pocket-newtab

Helpful Nutrients for Alzheimer’s

Did you know that there are three nutrients that in combination are helpful for Alzheimer’s Disease?

blue medicine pills on heart shape
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

(If there is something beneficial found, bring it on!!!)

[I was actually researching about choline (a B vitamin) and Parkinson’s at the time.]

Here are the three substances:

UMP (uridine)

A company has actually put these three together in a breakfast shake that is designed to be consumed 1x a day. (That sounds easy enough!)

To learn more, read here. Link and Link



A Vaccine for Alzheimer’s?

There is a vaccine that is currently being tested to slow down or possibly prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

This would be a remarkable advancement in the treatment of this incurable disease.

lovely elderly couple
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

The vaccine is set to begin Phase I trials soon. If all goes as planned, the next step will test 150 already-diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients.

This study is being conducted at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

person holding injection
Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com

The methodology behind the vaccine uses a substance called Protollin to stimulate a person’s immune system to fight the disease.

Much progress has been made in the study of Alzheimer’s and methodology to treat it.

For additional information, please read the following. Link

Sources: “Alzheimer’s Disease Preventative Nasal Vaccine to Be Tested at Boston Hospital” by Julia Musto. Published at FoxNews.com accessed 11/16/2021. Article link https://www.foxnews.com/health/alzheimers-disease-nasa-vaccine-tested-boston-hospital

Music for Soothing Comfort

Perhaps you’re at a time where you’re wishing for something special (or something calming/soothing).

Music is one of the most helpful of things at certain moments of one’s life.

Try this one:

(This is a favorite of many individuals – perhaps your loved one would enjoy hearing/watching this video.)

Another place for calming/soothing music:

This was a God-send at a time of very difficult care!!

AbidingRadio.org/listen – click here for further info

It has a great variety of music. It is soothing and calm and loved by so many!

Help for Listening to the TV for Hard of Hearing

This was an AMAZING device!!

Worked really, really well for someone who had difficulty hearing the TV.

(You may know of someone who has the volume up very loud when you walk in the room. [Perhaps your neighbor in the next apartment who has the tv blaring??])

It also helps if you have a spouse with normal hearing and one with poor hearing ability.

T.V. Ears

(The system I saw in use was the “wireless speaker system.” I assume the “sound bar” system is the current product.)

Very, very helpful!

Product: T.V. Ears

Link to company website

(I am not affiliated with this company nor do I earn commission on the sale of products.)

Help for Painful Joints

Stiff hands, painful knees, creaky bodies –

We’ve all been there!

crop woman sitting on bench
Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels.com

There is something that may help –

Hyaluronic acid (helps cartilage)

It is touted to help osteoarthritis (and similar conditions).

It can be found naturally as well as through a doctor.

If you or a loved one is dealing with “arthritic” pain, I would check into it further.

close up photo of a person s hand touching her knee
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

A Correct Relationship View of One’s Doctor

As one gets older, one of the joys is seeing medical professionals more frequently. (said tongue-in-cheek) 🙂

I just read a fantastic article about one’s perspective on a doctor’s care.

I think all of us could benefit from the advice offered:

“You’re dependent on your doctor to tell you why you feel the way you do and what your symptoms mean. It’s only through his knowledge, his instruments, and his tests that you can find out what’s going on inside. His ability to learn what’s going on in your body – to learn things you have no way of knowing yourself – makes you feel as dependent on him as a child. After all, he’s your only hope of ever getting better – you feel your life is no longer in your hands, but in his.”

In essence, there is a balance in one’s relationship with a doctor. One ought not expect too much, nor yet be too intimidated by a physician.

“What Do You Want from Your Doctor” by Mark Flapan, Ph.D. (in Lupus Lifeline Sept. 2004 p.13)

Preparing for the End

You are several weeks/ months out. But, sadly, you know the inevitable is coming.

May I encourage you in something?

Have those conversations – discuss those facts you want/need!

You will be so glad you did!

I know I am!!!

It is so much easier – just thinking of a funeral – it is no longer a massive, overwhelming dread.

Write the obituary (at least a rough draft – you will be surprised what you don’t know)

Talk about the service – the songs, who does what, etc.

photo of nimbus clouds
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com

I know I found great peace in doing this in advance of my loved ones passing! It truly was a blessing, especially when “the big event” happened.

Here is another hint – do the same for yourself:

Fill in those end-of-life questionaires, write those biographies – what you want known of your life history.

Throw in a few fun things!
[Hubby, I —]
[Daughter, I wish you the best …, etc.]

Caring for a Failing Senior – Conversations

down angle photography of red clouds and blue sky
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Perhaps you are like me – more of an introvert.

You enjoy socialization, but do not need an overabundance of it.

So now you are up to your chin in caring for a loved one. Maybe temporarily left a job so you can care for this person’s needs.

You are now together 24/7.

Oy vey – what do you say??

Here are some suggestions for conversation starters:

Ask of the person’s childhood remembrances – where they lived; perhaps their neighbors; their school, etc.

Ask of pets or pets of family/friends.

Food they ate when grew up (caution if person is nauseated/extremely sick – skip) (This seems to be a favorite topic! Things such as what their mom used to make – from main meals to dessert to picnics, whatever! It typically brings back happy memories.)

Ask circumstances regarding purchase of their home.

Inquire of special family relationships (from childhood) – perhaps a cousin or an aunt?